December 4, 2010

Whew, and we're not done yet

It has been awhile since I pontificated about something, mostly because of the inability to get into Blogger (the blog hosting service we use - see earlier post on that subject), but also we have not been in India much, and it takes time to compose and post, which when you word smythe those two words you get compost.  Proper composting takes awhile to beget fertile topics.

Alli decided that we needed to get out (of India) more, and set about a travel schedule for the rest of 2010.  Her decision was made in June shortly after our return from our USA visit.  Since that time we have escaped to Singapore and Hong Kong, we have toured Southern Sri Lanka, and we have cruised the Mediterranean after a wonderful visit to Venice.  Since it is now December our last trip of the year is to spend the holidays in Queensland, Australia.  Whew!

After all the travel, Jessi has gone on record that she is tired of airports, and that when we repatriate back to Minnesota, she does not want to get on an airplane anytime soon.  I think the girl needs to nest.  However, that is not in the cards as Alli begins to brood a bit if there are not trips penciled into the calendar.  So, a new round of travel planning is beginning, but I think it will be shortened by the realities of the task ahead of us - repatriation.

May 5, 2011 is the working date for our departure from India, which leaves us (as of this posting) with five months in India.  We have made an offer on a house, and we are awaiting news of that transaction.  Alli traveled to MSP after our cruise in the Med on a work trip.  She got to see the home for the first time - after having 12 inches of snow dumped on her.  Jess is all moved into the new house in her head - nesting has begun, and the campaign for a dog is unrelenting.  Jess is rather crafty about how she weaves a dog into a conversation.  She is hoping to catch me with my guard down, and promise a dog sooner than her 12th birthday, which is what I have committed to.

For my part, I just go where the winds blow me.  I have been busy with the Peerwater project that I have been volunteering on.  All the travel has eaten into the weekend bike riding schedule, and I have not been out on a ride for quite some time.

So, planning continues on travel and repatriation while dreams are hatched and discussed of remodeling the new home, dogs, and life in the USA.  I told Alli in Jan of this year that 2010 will evaporate, which it has, and 2011 promises to be just as fast paced with all the relocation, unpacking and resettling.  I don't remember time moving quite as fast when I was younger.  I remember being so bored because there was nothing to do.  These days, I look forward to those periods of time where there is nothing to do - with the corollary that nothing is left to be done, too!  I think that is Zen, but then it could just be seeking a quantum of solace in a busy world.

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