December 23, 2008

Could this be Ground Hog Day (the movie)?

Yesterday was the shortest day of the year in Bangalore.  June 22 was the longest.  There is barely an hour and a half difference beween the two.   
Dec 22, 2008      Sunrise> 6:37 AM       Sunset> 5:59 PM      Hours of Daylight> 11h 21m 51s
Jun 22, 2008       Sunrise> 5:55 AM       Sunset>  6:48 PM     Hours of Daylight> 12h 53m 25s
In the winter we have nearly 3 more hours of light a day than in Minneapolis where the sun rose at 7:48 AM and went down at 4:34 PM on Monday.
Weather is similarly consistent.  Here are the averages for high temps of the day.  It got down to a record low of 54 degrees here one time!
Jan-81   Feb-86   Mar-90   Apr-93   May-91   Jun-84   Jul-82   Aug-81   Sep-82   Oct-82   Nov-80   Dec-79
Small talk requires a whole different skill here.  People give you a really funny look if you bring up the weather wondering why on earth it is worth mentioning when it never changes.  You hardly ever see anything about it in the paper.  Why waste ink on something that is always the same? 
Something that has taken me time to adjust to is when people talk about summer here they are referring to March through June, not the months I typically think of as summer.  I don't think the other 9 months have a nomenclature.  They are just "not summer" as far as I can tell.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Actually June to Septermber is Monsoon season, though it never actually rains in B'lore in June. Something to go with the rains taking another month to get over the Nilgiris. They get Drenched in Kerala and Mumbai though.

As you have probably heard, it is now winter. As far as I can tell, "winter" here means "sunny and comfortable"
