August 13, 2010

"A Mother Died Wednesday" or "Hang Up and Drive": A true life story

Seeing the rake, the basket, and the thoroughly worn pair of sandals lying askew on the street corner was a poignant reminder of the tragedy that happened the day before.  A woman, a mother of three, was taking a little break from yard work when a distracted driver took the corner a bit too wide jumping the curb.  The car was going slow.  After all, this is a quiet, gated community with plenty of speed bumps.  What so many fail to realize though, is how briefly a distraction can take place and how slow a car can be moving and still kill somebody.


That young mother had multiple broken backbones and a cracked open skull.  She died less than 24 hours later.  Three children have lost their mother and undoubtedly the driver's family's life has been changed irrevocably too.  He is in jail.


Please, hang up and drive.  No telephone conversation can possibly be more important than somebody's life.  You think it won't happen.  But, it does; in an instant that can never be reclaimed.  This week it happened right across from my house on an average street, on an average day, in an average neighborhood.  It could have been you.

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